The Dangerous Worlds of Analog Parents with Digital Teens
Parents cannot be spectators in the lives of their children, but should set rules, establish expectations, enforce limitations, and constantly monitor their teenagers’ digital lives. Anything less is a form of parental negligence. Sunday’s edition of The New York Times [12/05/10] gave front-page attention to the problem of adolescent bullying on the Internet. There can... Continue Reading
Why Providence PCA Doesn’t Observe the “Church Calendar”
I think this is necessary because while at one time, neither American Presbyterians, nor Baptists, nor Congregationalists, nor any of the American Protestant denominations that confessed that worship should consist only of what is commanded in scripture practiced them. I am preaching today on this subject [why we don’t observe the church calendar] because I... Continue Reading
On “Jesus vs. Paul” a response to Scot McKnight
The case for the Unity of the Bible grows as scholarship catches up with Biblical revelation. Instead of seeing Paul as the one responsible for founding a new offshoot of the Jesus movement or even as the alleged founder of Chriistianity, we take him at his word: he was a servant of Jesus Christ! In... Continue Reading
Jesus and His Apostles: Teaching in Harmony
Have you ever gotten the impression that the teaching of the apostles is at odds with the teaching of Jesus? Sometimes it may seem that way, especially when we see Jesus emphasizing certain things that the apostles don’t, and vice versa. Though we may be confident that, in the end, their teaching is harmonious, we... Continue Reading
Jesus vs. Paul – Kingdom of Heaven or Justification by Faith
If we begin with gospel, and if we understand gospel as Paul does in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, then we will find what unifies Jesus and Paul—that both witness to Jesus as the center of God’s story. Many biblical scholars and lay Christians have noted that Jesus preached almost exclusively about the kingdom of heaven, while... Continue Reading
Wonderfully Made, Terribly Fallen: A Framework for Bioethics
With unprecedented control over life and death, we need an ethical framework to guide us and bring wisdom to these complex issues. That is a great challenge in a secular, pluralistic culture where there are few agreements on moral frameworks and assumptions. But as Christians, we bring some significant paradigms, principles and virtues to the... Continue Reading
Zombies and the Gospel
The next time you see a zombie novel on a bookstore display, or the next time you pass a box office advertisement for some gory zombie film, stop and pray for those who feel like the living dead. Once a year, in the city where I live now, there’s what’s advertised as a “Zombie Walk.”... Continue Reading
Biblical Authority, Strong Conviction for Repentance and Revival
Unapologetic, convicting teachers of the Word, not missional pace-setters are what we’re talking about. “If there is going to be a renaissance of religion, its bearers will not be people who have been falling all over each other to be ‘relevant to modern man’…Strong eruptions of religious faith have always been marked by the appearance... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (VIII)
As the early Church was confronted with the necessity of mercy ministry, it needed to ensure that it maintained integrity, effectiveness, and good management of its funds and resources. This is now the eighth look we have taken at Acts 6:1-6. In past installments, we have noted that this passage additionally teaches us an important... Continue Reading
The Knowledge of the Self-Revealing God: Starting Point for the Christian Worldview
The Christian worldview is structured, first of all, by the revealed knowledge of God. There is no other starting point for an authentic Christian worldview—and there is no substitute. One of the most important principles of Christian thinking is the recognition that there is no stance of intellectual neutrality. No human being is capable of... Continue Reading