This Year’s Christian Ethics Final Exam – We encourage our readers to take this exam!
What is right and just in these situations? What is loving to neighbor? Walk through each step of ethical reflection, explaining how you arrive at your answers, grounding your answer in Scripture and the gospel… Every year my Christian ethics class ends the year with a final examination that amounts to answering a hypothetical question.... Continue Reading
Christ’s Parables and Bank CEO’s – Bearing the Responsibility of Stewards
“Matthew 25: 45-51 is meant to show the temptation which besets all in authority to forget the responsibility that goes with power. …” I’m just back from a wonderful visit to Liberty University’s law school, where I gave a talk called “Making Sense of the New Financial Deal.” (I also had a chance to spend... Continue Reading
Last Taxation Tuesday for 2010 – Update on the PCA Proposed AC Funding Plan
We have not given enough attention to the fact that voluntary alternatives have been proposed. Dave Sarafolean has suggested one way, and Martin Hedman has proposed another. The rumor is that another alternative, voluntary plan is in the works To the best of my knowledge, all the Presbyteries that are going to vote in 2010... Continue Reading
Discussions on Justification at the Evangelical Theological Society
I think Wright is wrong in not seeing 2 Corinthians 5:21 as a statement of soteriology and I think he is wrong in not seeing Paul’s discussion of righteousness and justification in Romans as a statement of soteriology. Been following the Wright/Schreiner/Thielman exchange over justification at ETS last week in Atlanta? Among the many good... Continue Reading
How churches lose the plot and end up going liberal, Part I
The first danger I want to highlight is that of the celebrity pastor who is ultimately so big as to be practically beyond criticism. Not all historical phenomena that manifest themselves as doctrinal are necessarily immediately doctrinal in cause or origin.’ That statement, made to me by a mentor in my field of historical theology,... Continue Reading
Decision Point: George W. Bush’s Pro-Life Path
Bush’s confirmed picks to the Supreme Court, from a pro-life standpoint, were superb. His actual policy changes, from bans on partial birth-abortion to stopping taxpayer funding of the deliberate destruction of human embryos, were wonderful George W. Bush is an interesting man with a complicated presidency that most Americans—going into Bush’s final year of office—deemed... Continue Reading
The Leavers: Young Doubters Exit the Church – 20- and 30- somethings are abandoning the faith. Why?
“Imagine a group photo of all the students who come to your church (or live within your community of believers) in a typical year. Take a big fat marker and cross out three out of every four face …About that time, I began encountering many other “leavers”: a basketball buddy, a soft-spoken young woman from... Continue Reading
Thornwell on the 2010 PCA BCO Chapter 14 Proposed Amendments
We have not yet moved the conversation past anything but practical issues of buying postage and printing documents. There are significant issues of theology and Biblical interpretation at stake. Whatever we vote to do, we ought to bring these issues to the fore, as our forefathers have done on these very issues, and debate them... Continue Reading
How churches lose the plot and end up going liberal, Part II
The next danger is the minister in a confessional church who thumbs his nose at the church’s public standards of doctrine and practice. Yesterday, I noted how the big personality can shift the church in the wrong direction. A closely related phenomenon is that of the minister who thumbs his nose at the church’s public... Continue Reading
Keeping tabs on kids’ texting – high volume texters in danger of harmful and risky behavior
Who’s at risk? Teens who send 120 text messages or more in a single day. “Hyper-texters,” they’re called. Teens who are high-volume texters are 3.5 times more likely to be sexually active My children and I love texting. It’s an instantaneous way to keep in touch and share moments that otherwise might be missed. Like... Continue Reading