President Obama makes changes to White House faith-based office
“I am particularly frustrated that President Obama still has done nothing to ban hiring bias by publicly funded religious charities,” Lynn said in a statement. “That’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room… President Barack Obama signed an executive order Wednesday to further reform the White House Office of Faith-based Initiatives created under former President George... Continue Reading
Covenant and Justification: Horton vs. Piper and Wright
Horton’s main point is that there are two types of covenants that run concurrently throughout Scripture, one type is that of a suzerainty treaty and the other is a covenant of grant. I’m currently [11/17/10] in Atlanta for the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, and I’d like to offer a brief synopsis of... Continue Reading
Sharia-Compliant in America – the (mis) application of Islamic Law in U. S. Courts
In New Jersey recently, a family court judge refused to issue a restraining order against a Moroccan Muslim who had raped his wife. The judge concluded that no sexual assault had taken place because Islam forbids wives to refuse sex. Liberal judges are increasingly looking to the laws of foreign countries to help them determine... Continue Reading
Secularist Cheating – Why they are unable to play by the rules
You can see why the secularist might feel cheated. Every argument he makes against religious belief runs up against a great foggy X-factor called “God” and a useful hedge called “the Fall of Man” and an ace up the sleeve called “grace.” He argues that people take to religion as a crutch, because they can’t... Continue Reading
Voluntary extinction: America’s one child policy?
“When you meet couples with more than three children today, chances are they’re making a cultural and theological statement, says a commentator. Colson responds: “Well, I don’t think that they are so much making a statement as they are bearing witness to what they believe about God’s intentions for the family.” According to Britain’s Guardian... Continue Reading
By Faith, Not Fear – three areas that we should take seriously as we seek to prepare our young people for life in the real world
“Lions and tigers and bears, O my!” That’s not only one of the more memorable lines from cinematic history, it’s one of the more recognizable themes in contemporary discipleship. Sometimes fear of the enemies to our faith seems much more pronounced than faith in the object of our faith — the Lord Jesus Christ. We... Continue Reading
Moderate Baptists in Virginia flunk U.S. history
In a move of stunning ignorance, the Baptist General Association of Virginia recently adopted a resolution taking a back-handed slap at the Texas State Board of Education’s vote this year to restore accurate teaching of separation of church and state to social studies curriculum. For sake of reference, read the offensive language from Texas for... Continue Reading
Think Again – experience needs to be tested, evaluated, and even critiqued by revelation and reason
For example, a well-loved hymn written in 1933 enshrined this subjective sort of knowing when its chorus proclaims regarding Jesus: “You ask me how I know he lives, He lives within my heart!” How do I know? I just know. Having been unceremoniously tossed out of his English boarding school, Patrick Leigh Fermor thrashed about... Continue Reading
The Glory of God and the Life of the Mind – the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the Christian worldview
There is nothing distinctively Christian about having a worldview. The very process of intellectual activity requires some framework, and no idea is independent of prior assumptions. This is true for all human beings. To be human is to think, and to think is to operate within a worldview. Every individual operates out of a basic... Continue Reading
Be Prepared – knowing how to avoid worldview collisions that may be disastrous
The most significant barometer for choosing any kind of institution of higher learning is not the beauty of its campus but its faculty. Never argue with the man with the microphone. On several occasions, I’ve been invited to appear on radio or television programs for interviews by controversial hosts. For the most part, I have... Continue Reading