A Prayer About Replacing Quarrelsomeness with Beauty
…it’s one thing to be attacked from the outside, but quite another for the disruption to happen from within the family. Hear our prayers for people we love. The Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in... Continue Reading
Rohring down the Rails toward a Fuller Evangelicalism
The age of sola scriptura is over!! The age of sola spiritus has arrived!!! At least according to Emergent historian, Phyllis Tickle. The Berlin train system is a jewel of Prussian efficiency. But I don’t speak German, so when I tried to take my Berlin grandchildren home from the Berlin zoo, we jumped on a... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (V)
The concept of “commissioning” deacons and/or deaconesses the way it is being conceived and put into practice currently among some PCA pastors is neither found in Scripture nor in the history of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches. What about Acts 6? It is a legitimate question to ask whether Acts 6:1-6 refers to Deacons; if... Continue Reading
Touching the Third Rail! – Why Are Reformed Christians in the U.S. Obsessed With Politics?
During the past week there were two brief blog entries on the Reformation 21 blog that provide some interesting (and humorous) information for our more ‘politically active’ readers. Question Posed by Blogger Paul Levy (Paul Levy is pastor of the International Presbyterian Church of Ealing, London, UK.) I go away to the Algarve for a... Continue Reading
The Pink Ribbon Campaign: Are We Funding Breast Cancer?
Many Americans who buy those pink bracelets may not be aware of the strong Links between Planned Parenthood and the Komen foundation. Komen founder Nancy Brinker once served on the advisory board of Planned Parenthood of Dallas You’ve seen them everywhere: pink ribbons and wristbands to raise awareness about breast-cancer prevention. But before you donate,... Continue Reading
How would Francis Schaeffer answer the question: Where Are We Headed?
Where are we, as a country and as Christian churches, headed? There are, of course, many answers to that question, but for my part, I recently read Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer’s address entitled “A Christian Manifesto,” and feel compelled to comment on it and the present religious and political situation.(1) Among other things, I will... Continue Reading
Science Trumps the Bible? — An Amazingly Candid (and Disastrous) Argument
Professor Giberson asserts that to believe in the truthfulness and historicity of the entire Bible is to paddle in an “intellectual backwater.” Christians committed to biblical authority should ponder that statement deeply, even as they keep paddling. The folks at BioLogos continue with a fierce intensity to press their case for theistic evolution. In so... Continue Reading
The Gospel Everyday – All good theology is an exposition of the gospel.
In other words, how does the finished work of Christ satisfy my deepest daily needs so that I can experience the liberating power of the gospel every day and in every way? I once assumed the gospel was simply what non-Christians must believe in order to be saved, while afterward we advance to deeper theological... Continue Reading
Bringing the Reformation to Protestantism
The actual Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ has, through His life, death, and resurrection, atoned for the sins of the world. The Protestantism that has drifted away from this Gospel is in need of Reformation. The original Reformation, whose anniversary we mark on October 31, began in 1517 as an attempt to... Continue Reading
On “Dupes” and the Religious Left (Part 2)
Q…you say there were duped liberals who eventually “came to see the light,” and switched and repented. A. Another was a Hollywood liberal named Ronald Reagan, whose pastor alerted him to the menace of atheistic communism This is the second in a series of interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science and executive... Continue Reading