Emergent Church Guru Brian McLaren Advices Episcopal Seminary Graduates to “Smoke What You’re Selling”
“The ‘us-versus them’ approach…is complicit in a whole series of atrocities that Muslim people.., Jewish people…, Native Americans.., African Americans.., women.., lesbian, gay, transgendered, and bisexual people…know about.” “Emergent Church” guru Brian McLaren, a prominent voice on the evangelical left, is increasingly high profile as a speaker in the Episcopal Church. Most recently, he gave... Continue Reading
Evolution and the Empty Nest Syndrome; A Most Unsatisfactory Explanation
You read that right. Shermer reduces the love of a parent for a child to “an evolutionary throwback.” Michael Shermer publishes Skeptic magazine, teaches at Claremont Graduate University, and writes a regular column for Scientific American. He is an ardent defender of evolutionary theory and a well-known critic of all supernatural claims. In a recent... Continue Reading
An Election Day Prayer for America
I make this prayer with absolute confidence that God hears and answers. I pray with great optimism for the future, for it is surely a future in the hands of a sovereign and just God. As we approach the November 2010 national elections in the United States of America, I have written a prayer for... Continue Reading
Pastor Appreciation Month, Part 1: In Praise of Pastors
And if you happen to be the solo pastor of a small church without any staff, you most likely fix toilets, furnaces, and leaky roofs, you are your own secretary, the one and only fundraiser, and run the food pantry. This is the first of a three part series on pastors—part 1 called “In Praise... Continue Reading
On “Dupes” and the Religious Left (Part 1)
Q. Where did (the Communists) have their best success? A. The mainline denominations, particularly the Episcopal Church, the Methodist Church, and Presbyterian Church USA. This is the first in a series of weekly interviews with Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science and executive director of the Center, on his latest book, “Dupes: How American’s... Continue Reading
Doctrine Rightly Held
It is one thing to know doctrine and another to hold it rightly. In fact, Scripture gives us repeated warnings about mishandling truth In a day when doctrine is too often underappreciated it is exciting to see to a renewed concern about its importance in the Christian life. Scripture puts a premium on the necessity... Continue Reading
End of Christian America is Good, Says Young Evangelical Pastor
While the previous Christian generation often engages the world by boycotting, condemning or separating, the Next Christians live “dangerously on the front edges of pain in the world” to offer comfort and restoration to the hurting. As a product of separatist Christianity, young evangelical leader Gabe Lyons says he is excited about the death of... Continue Reading
Cross-less Christianity: the Emerging Gospel of Social Justice
People are desperately looking for something new and fresh, but are ending up with something that in the end is really an old, failed idea from the past, albeit dressed in a new and appealing package. We live in a time of tremendous political, economic and cultural change. Everywhere we turn, the foundations of our... Continue Reading
The PCA’s New Dilemma about Deacons (III)
Those with commissioned male and female deacons are living an alternative ecclesial lifestyle. I am going to suggest that rather than being a mere acceptable “alternative,” this practice is biblically aberrant; it cannot be supported from Scripture. What about Acts 6? In virtually every study surrounding deacons and their place within the New Testament Church,... Continue Reading
‘Christian’ media swings left – The loss of biblical values among ‘friends’
Much of what passes for Christian media today is really at odds with traditional, biblical perspectives. Again, though, it’s almost astonishing that large numbers of Christians seem unaware of it. Americans are too trusting. David Neff is editor-in-chief for Christianity Today. The magazine is still considered to be mainstream and representative of evangelicals. It was... Continue Reading