The Common Era of What?
Recently, I’ve noticed a lot of writers have been using “C.E.”/”B.C.E.” dating. Instead of “Before Christ” (“B.C.”) and “Anno Domini” (“A.D.”– “In The Year of Our Lord”), they use “Before the Common Era”/”Common Era”. Quite frankly, this curious way of dating history makes no sense to me. Human societies have always used dating systems based... Continue Reading
Reflections on the Puritan Reformed Conference 2010
This has been, without doubt, one of the best conferences I have ever had the privilege of attending. The material has been of a consistently high standard; it has been a feast of fat things, of wines on the lees well refined. I am enjoying my first visit to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and my first... Continue Reading
Theological Reflection on Church Newspaper Ads
As a church seeker, we look at an ad to get a sense of “what is this church all about?” We hope that something of the church’s ethos comes through. “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2.2 We are currently looking for... Continue Reading
Hawking’s Haverings* – The Problems With MultiVerse Theory
That’s it then….This is the end….Professor Stephen Hawking has spoken and Rupert Murdoch has broadcast it. God is dead. Or as Richard Dawkins says about Hawkins latest theory – “it finishes off God. Darwin kicked him out of biology, but physics remained more uncertain. Hawking is now administering the coup de grace” I resign…I renounce... Continue Reading
A Classical Analysis of Puritan Preaching
Reformed Christians are indebted to the Puritans for a variety of reasons, not the least of which for their contribution to preaching. In many ways, Puritan preaching was the very heartbeat of the Puritan movement. It would be no exaggeration to say that without Puritan preaching there would have been no Puritans. To quote Irvonwy... Continue Reading
‘Til Death Do Us Part – Or Whatever; The Meaning of Marriage
Worldview was on display at a church in Silver Spring, Maryland a few days ago. What did it look like? A lovely bride, dressed in white. A groom looking giddily in love. Promises to love and to cherish, as long as they lived. If this sounds like an ordinary wedding-well, that’s just evidence that worldview... Continue Reading
A Prayer About Fear and Trusting God
When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? Psalm 56:3-4 Heavenly Father, as the reach of the internet keeps getting bigger my world keeps getting smaller and a whole lot closer. More... Continue Reading
BCO 14 Amendments, An Unintended Consequence: Jeopardizing the PCA’s Non-hierarchical Connectionalism
The Presbyterian Church in America’s non-hierarchical structure could be placed at risk if the BCO 14-1, 2 amendments are passed. There may be an unintended consequence of using the word “requirement” in proposed BCO 14-1, and “fulfilled their annual responsibilities” in the proposed BCO 14-2 (3) touching on local churches: These proposed changes create an... Continue Reading
A Lost Letter to Wormwood
Tis the season for the great migration of students to our institutions of higher learning. This week, and into September, thousands of young adults will leave home and head off to college (“University” if you want to sound European). Many of these students are Christians. Some will look for Christian fellowship in their new home.... Continue Reading
Seminary: A Ministry of Preparation
The following message was delivered at New Student Orientation, on August 23, at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC Recently I participated in the ordination of a young man to the Gospel ministry, to pastor a congregation in small town in South Carolina. It was an awe-inspiring moment. And beneath the prayers and petitions, with laying... Continue Reading