Why Aren’t ‘Emerging Adults’ Emerging as Adults?
The church would demonstrate the power of the gospel in a whole new way by assisting young people into the successful and faithful transition to adulthood… The New York Times Magazine addresses an important question in its August 22, 2010 cover story — “What Is It About 20-Somethings?” With this cover story, the venerable newspaper... Continue Reading
How to Win the Clash of Civilizations – Describe the world AS IT IS, not as we wish it to be
What do the controversies around the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, the eviction of American missionaries from Morocco earlier this year, the minaret ban in Switzerland last year, and the recent burka ban in France have in common? All four are framed in the Western media as issues of religious tolerance. But that is not... Continue Reading
Reasons to Vote Against the Proposed Change to PCA Book of Church Order 5-3
The PCA Nashville General Assembly Overtures Committee, by a vote of 55-40, recommended answering Overture 11 from Blue Ridge in the affirmative and GA adopted that recommendation The GA also adopted Overture 15 from Potomac, which addressed the whole of chapter 5, but that large revision wisely did not request this particular change to 5-3.... Continue Reading
Tim Keller’s Foreword to Tullian Tchividjian’s new book, Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different
Recently, Tullian Tchividjian, Senior Pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, FL, wrote the following blog note: My much admired friend Tim Keller greatly honored me when he agreed to write the foreword to my bookUnfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different. The book is my attempt to unpack the... Continue Reading
Jennifer Aniston’s wrong: Stats prove Dads matter – a lot!
His mother was a lesbian and had lived with two different partners during his life. Yet he sobbed as he told me, “I just want a dad.” You learn the oddest things while standing in line at the grocery store. For example, Jennifer Aniston, former Friend and well-known serial bad (really bad) dater, is in... Continue Reading
The Gospel for 21st Century Sodom
It is surely true that the Sixties’ “liberation” of sex from marriage and gender…has left us with no moral ground for refusing any form of “liberated” sexuality. Regarding “gay marriage” the brilliant New York Times social commentator, Ross Douthat, is batting .500. He is right that present society will not be able to refuse it.... Continue Reading
Our Inalienable Rights and Responsibilities – We Dare Not Forget Them!
“It is serendipitous that in time of war our government entrusted to clergy our founding document…” On August 24, 1814, Secretary of State James Monroe rode 40 miles to the Patuxent River village of Benedict, in Charles County, Maryland to investigate the rumor that the British were landing there on their way to attack the... Continue Reading
A Second American Revolution?*
In March 1765, in spite of many dissonant voices from the Colonies, the British Parliament passed and began enforcing the Stamp Act. In May of 1765 the Virginia House of Burgesses took the first official American action to repulse this law. A brilliant backcountry lawyer named Patrick Henry, freshman legislator, led the charge. A series... Continue Reading
We Are One – The gospel revolution at Coral Ridge continues!
Sunday, August 22, was a monumental, historic day at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. For many years Coral Ridge had two very distinct worship services–one contemporary and one traditional. The result was the unintentional development of two different churches under one roof. It wasn’t healthy. So back at the end of Spring we started talking about... Continue Reading
Southern Baptist Pastor: We Have to Crucify Our Self-Righteousness
“…so that you in your sweet little intact homeschooled appropriate gender role complementarian family are going to be ministered to by the woman who’s been divorced four times…” In evangelical Christianity, believers want to judge those outside the church rather than those within, said a conservative Baptist. “The reason that’s the case is because we... Continue Reading