Thoughts on Justification – A biblical understanding of imputation
“…I don’t think we can make any progress in holiness if we don’t have a profound, deep, powerful assurance that we are accepted by God by faith alone.” One of the concerns that I have about justification, and in particular the biblical understanding of imputation (being counted righteous as distinct from actually becoming behavioral in... Continue Reading
The People Have Spoken: Gay Marriage at the Polls
As the Manhattan Declaration points out, the biggest threat to religious freedom comes from those who want to redefine marriage and impose a particular view of sexual morality on all of us. As the ruling in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, which overturned California’s Proposition 8, makes its way through the appeals process, one of the big... Continue Reading
Luther on the Marks of a Good Preacher
The good preacher should be willing to accept ridicule from everyone
While there has been an understandable reaction in parts of the Reformed world against the kind of radical downgrading of ordained ministry which has come to mark much of the evangelical world, this has itself created problems. Perhaps most obvious is the priestly culture it can generate, where the result is that some come to... Continue Reading
“And Then They Are All Mine” — The Real Agenda of Some College Professors
Editor’s Note: If you have a child in college, ready to start college, or still in high school even thinking about college, we urge you to read this Op-Ed piece! (Pastors – you might want to forward this to your parents.) On many campuses, a significant number of faculty members are representatives of what has... Continue Reading
Franklin Graham: Obama born a Muslim, a Christian Now
Franklin Graham told CNN’s John King that President Obama’s family background is creating the perception that Obama is a Muslim. “I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the... Continue Reading
Reasons for Voting Against Amending BCO 14-1 (4) and 14-2: The Funding Plan for the Administrative Committee
The 38th PCA General Assembly voted to send to Presbyteries for their consideration amendments to BCO 14-1 (4) and 14-2. These amendments are requesting a change in how the voting membership of General Assembly will be determined: by charging an annual Registration Fee for teaching elders, churches and Presbyteries. Here are reasons for voting against... Continue Reading
Greatest Songs of All Time: Beyond Rolling Stone
It is quite a claim, is it not? The “greatest songs of all time.” So reads the July/August cover story of a special issue of Rolling Stone. It offers us “the ultimate play list,” chosen by a blue ribbon panel of writers, musicians and experts. I was curious….greatest songs of ALL TIME. Do they mean... Continue Reading
Jim Wallis vs. the truth – More evidence surfaces concerning the George Soros/Sojourners connection
Sojourners communications manager Tim King has now acknowledged that Sojourners received funding from George Soros. (Editor’s note: In a recent story on the World Magazine website, Editor Marvin Olasky reviewed the details of his interchange with Jim Wallis, Editor of Sojourner’s magazine concerning funding sources. The following update follows the story.) UPDATE: Sojourners communications manager... Continue Reading
“God Hates Fags!” Is It Free Speech? – An Interview with Margie Phelps
John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute interviews Margie Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church
Read related news report: Federal Judge concerning Hillsboro Baptist demonstrations “You can’t preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God.” — Fred Phelps “There are over 600,000 so-called houses of worship in this country and over 2,000,000 so-called clergy in this country. None of them outside of Westboro Baptist Church are doing right. They... Continue Reading
Three-Ring Life in Jesus Christ
Why aren’t there more than five congregations of Hispanics in the PCA? I can’t afford General Assembly anymore so I read blogs. I know that’s not the same as being there. There seems to be distress that not everyone is on the same page on everything. But for me, I’m always on several pages at... Continue Reading