What IS a Rational Basis for Marriage Boundaries?
If the ruling is upheld, what boundaries can be considered rational if it is no longer “rational” to require marriage to only be between a man and a woman. On August 4, 2010 Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled that California’s marriage laws are unconstitutional, declaring that the law “fails to advance any rational basis in... Continue Reading
The Aftermath of the PCA’s 38th General Assembly (VI)
My observation and conclusion in reading the 2009 “stats” was that many of the PCA that are the most vociferous about being missional give zero to the AC. Theme # 2: Increased Involvement This second Theme carries with it a Goal, a General Means, and 6 Specific Means. Therefore we might expect the type of... Continue Reading
Steak on a Paper Plate: A Reflection on Worship
More and more churches are focusing on the centrality of the Word in worship. The resurgence of Reformed theology among younger evangelicals, the reestablishment of a rock-solid belief in the inerrancy and inspiration of the Scriptures in the Southern Baptist Convention, the revival of expository preaching… this wave that we’re riding is about to collide... Continue Reading
Worship Is A Big Deal: Part 6
Part 6 (and last) of a six-part series of posts on corporate worship: what it is and why it’s important When we gather together for worship, we ought to come reaching up, starved for God, ready to feast together on the good news that, in the person of Jesus Christ, God has descended to us... Continue Reading
The Perils of ‘Wannabe Cool’ Christianity
“…the emphasis is on looking cool, perhaps by giving the pastor a metrosexual makeover, with skinny jeans and an $80 haircut… ‘How can we stop the oil gusher?” may have been the question of the summer for most Americans. Yet for many evangelical pastors and leaders, the leaking well is nothing compared to the threat... Continue Reading
When Islam Abandoned Reason: A Conversation with Robert R. Reilly
“If we don’t help the side that we wish to see prevail in that struggle, we had better get ready for things far worse than 9/11” LifeSiteNews has released the text of a Q&A with Robert Reilly author of the new book, The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist... Continue Reading
Worship Is A Big Deal: Part 5
Part 5 of a six-part series of posts on corporate worship: what it is and why it’s important A gospel-fueled worship service is a service where God serves the gospel to sinners in need of rescue—and that includes both Christians and non-Christians. Churches for years have struggled over whether their worship services ought to be... Continue Reading
Why Conservative Evangelicals Should Thank God for Clark Pinnock
I was sad to see Gregory Boyd’s announcement that his fellow theologian Clark Pinnock has died. Clark Pinnock led me to faith in Christ. Now, it’s true, I never met Pinnock until many years after I came to know Jesus. But the gospel I believed came through preachers who were trained by Clark Pinnock. More... Continue Reading
An afternoon on the edge of the world – my visit to St. Kilda
There it stands, a monument to the soul of St Kilda, the commitment of the evangelicals of the nineteenth century, and the power of the gospel. Editor’s Note: Link to short YouTube video of St. Kilda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGDAzerQ9ns&feature=related Well, it’s been a long time in coming, but this week I finally made it to St Kilda.... Continue Reading
The Inerrancy of Scripture: The Fifty Years’ War . . . and Counting
His conclusion: “If Jesus as a finite human being erred from time to time, there is no reason at all to suppose that Moses, Paul, and John wrote Scripture without error.” We are entering a new phase in the battle over the Bible’s truthfulness and authority. We should at least be thankful for undisguised arguments... Continue Reading