Hitting the Stone Wall: Reflections on a Biblical Marriage
Last December I wrote a short article “When Sorrow Strikes Home” about my wife’s (Fawn Winsted) being diagnosed with a particularly aggressive cancer (bit.ly/a0bvIp) On June 27th, 2010; after a eight month struggle fighting this dreaded disease she passed into the presence of her Savior. She was 56 years old. The family, during her struggle,... Continue Reading
“Confessions of Fatherhood.” Will your church ‘man up’?
“If your church is not specifically, directly, focused on building strong men and nurturing virtuous fathering you are not positioned to actually bless your community.” Link to “Confessions of Fatherhood” from Crossroads Tabernacle, The Bronx http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxhT0crwRW8&feature=player_embedded Most evangelical churches foster environments where men are not free to struggle and, therefore, would not produce such a... Continue Reading
The Marriage Meltdown: Gay Unions, Divorce and the Dysfunctional Family
Let’s forget about politics. Forget about the debates over who gets to marry whom. Instead, let’s look around at what’s left of our neighborhoods, our communities and our families, and put our children first! “The week of the decision on Proposition 8 was also the week of the decision on ‘The Bachelorette.’ Ali Fedotowsky said... Continue Reading
Cambridge University speech by education professor reveals the vital role of immorality as cause of economic crisis
Jeynes reaffirmed that America has “lost its way” and has become “a nation with a dearth of absolute values.” In a recent speech at Cambridge University, Dr. William Jeynes, historian, educator, economic consultant and Assemblies evangelist stated that one of the primary causes of the current US recession was “immorality and deteriorating family values.” Moreover,... Continue Reading
Political Correctness Gone Awry
Isaiah warns, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” For a number of years now political correctness has been a growing and confusing phenomenon in our society. The concept of inappropriate words and actions... Continue Reading
The Strategic Plan: Efficiency or Freedom
Control is the issue. With control, comes a loss of freedom. Once upon a time, the knights of the roundtable were in conference. One valiant warrior, the honorable Sir Bedlam, stood up and said, “Fellow knights, we have a serious problem. We have done poorly in our last battles. Three of us have discussed this... Continue Reading
Yes, God will—If you……
How sure are you that God loves you? Does his holiness cancel out his love? Does that persistent sin mean the end of your hope? Is the best we can do in church is talk about God’s love, but never to celebrate it? In our Cristo Rey Hispanic/Anglo church you learn to think across cultures.... Continue Reading
All Eyes on Supreme Court’s Anthony Kennedy and Prop. 8
“It might be wise for those who believe in Divine Providence to pray for a man who holds a heavy burden in his hands: deciding the fate of marriage for a nation.” Should defenders of true marriage pin their hopes on the U.S. Supreme Court? Despite public displays of confidence from pro-family leaders that U.S.... Continue Reading
How Can Anyone Think God Is Like That?
Sometimes the most profound theological rebuttal is “Oh, Baloney!” I was in a good mood this morning until I reached Luke 13:10 in my daily Bible reading. What I read there troubled me. It’s about a Sabbath day when Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. In the congregation was a woman, unnamed, “bent over” (osteoporosis?),... Continue Reading
Anybody listening?
It is the Gospel that gives the church its moral authority, and it is in the church’s faithful proclamation of that Gospel that it becomes a light to the nations. A gang of Presbyterian peacemakers has kicked the “CAT.” The boot was actually a soft-toed alternative to another proposed option, that Caterpillar, Inc., be evicted... Continue Reading