Civil Discourse on the Floor of the House of Representatives? Find out why here
An angry confrontation on floor of the House of Representatives between New York Representatives Weiner and King illustrates an important First Amendment lesson. On July 29 a disagreement about a health bill that would have provided aid for people sickened by World Trade Center dust erupted in a heated confrontation between NY Reps. Anthony Weiner... Continue Reading
Civil Discourse with an Acknowledged Liberal: Union Theological Seminary, Glenn Beck, and Fascism Continued
The question is whether all conservatives are destined to be labeled as racists whenever they encounter a progressive. For those of you who missed it, Elijah Prewitt-Davis of Union Theological Seminary wrote a very humble, edifying, and engaging response to the letter I wrote last week ( after reading his interview of the President of... Continue Reading
Thinking about the Cedar Falls Bible Conference, Willa Cather and Ha Erets
The early settlers on the land probably didn’t say, “Living in Minnesota would be really neat.” This summer I’m preaching at the annual Cedar Falls Bible Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa. They hold it at a campground just like they’ve been doing since the turn of the last century. Some of the same families who... Continue Reading
The Way the General Assembly Passed the Strategic Plan Was Against Its Own Rules
As most readers will be aware, the 38th PCA General Assembly in Nashville considered a strategic plan proposed by the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC), and then approved and recommended by the Administrative Committee (AC). After several hours of debate, the Assembly passed the themes, goals, and all but one of the means. The controversy surrounding... Continue Reading
Anne Rice Hasn’t Betrayed You
Let’s give her room to come home, if and when she wants. Let’s not verify her experience of angry, raging Christians. Last week the Internet was abuzz with news that Anne Rice has renounced Christianity. The best-selling vampire novelist, who professed faith in Christ several years ago and has since written several books about Jesus... Continue Reading
No faith in universities – Schools ramp up the war on traditional Christian beliefs
More lawsuits like this will serve notice that this form of discrimination will not be tolerated. The American mind has been in chains for far too long, and it is time for them to be broken. Universities claim to be havens for diversity, but this political correctness does not guarantee freedom of thought. Tolerance is... Continue Reading
Is the United Church of Christ the most liberal mainline Protestant church in the United States?
With its combined roots in both the New England Congregational and German Reformed movements during the days when both were clearly advocates of the Reformed faith, the theological decline in the United Church of Christ is indeed sad. But of even more consequence is the fact that most ‘average Christians’ in America are not aware... Continue Reading
A Prayer About Jesus and Billy Graham
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:7-8 Dear Lord Jesus, you alone are Savior … you alone are changeless … you alone are worthy of our unfettered... Continue Reading
Ambushed by Grief – An Atheist deals with a wife’s Alzheimer’s Disease
One of the most well-known faces on British television, Suchet has written very warmly and movingly of his wife’s deterioration It’s a very satisfying feeling to have left home with a list of intended books for holiday reading, and to have returned having completed it. This year, one of my holiday reads was John Suchet’s... Continue Reading
Looking Back To The Fathers of the PCA, Part 3: Address at Presbyterian Journal Day August 1970
From the blog of Andrew Barnes, Editor There are many questions circulating out there by some elders of the PCA concerning the future of our denomination. I believe it a good thing to look back at some of the writings of the fathers of our denomination as they were nearing the end of the PCUS... Continue Reading