The Aftermath of the PCA’s 38th General Assembly (III) – The Church & Politics; Politics & the Church
…the 2010 Strategic Plan read more like a piece of sociology than it did a biblical plan for moving forward in a conservative Presbyterian affiliation. I had a very liberal professor of ethics when I studied at the Free University of Amsterdam whose name was Harry Kuitert. Most of what he wrote and said was... Continue Reading
The new Russian Orthodoxy: speak no ill of religion
In what well may have been a state-sponsored compromise, the organizers were found guilty but not sentenced to prison. My congratulations to the Russian Orthodox Church. That reactionary institution survived the 20th century Bolshevik storm and is now back in business at the same old stand–claiming special privileges from the Russian government, doing its best... Continue Reading
EDITORIAL: OK, so we aren’t ‘All The News That’s Fit To Print” – at least not yet. Response to ‘A Bit Confused’ and ‘I Second that Rae’
Several comments have been made concerning an article recently published that appeared in our Opinion-Commentary section entitled “The Roots of White Anxiety” (read it here: I have extracted those comments so readers can quickly understand the purpose of this editorial, which is to answer these questions: A bit confused. written by Rae Whitlock, July... Continue Reading
The Theory of State Nullification, the Tea Party Movement, and ‘Subsidiarity’
States cannot trust the federal government to police itself. They must take a direct role in reeling back federal power. Thomas Jefferson’s long-forgotten theory of state nullification may have found an ideal time for a resurgence, as the Tea Party and other groups advocate limited government as a solution to many of our current problems... Continue Reading
I Am Not a Prophet, Nor the Son of a Prophet
But I do find one item in prophecy that suggests to me (I certainly don’t insist on it) that these may well be the last days of the last times. It was one of those rare, perfect moments in preaching. While living in Florida some years back, due to limited choices I was attending a... Continue Reading
Justice undone – The Administration’s refusal to enforce election laws fully
“We can’t have evil armed men at polling places in this country. That’s what makes us different than other places around the world.” “How many bubbles are in a bar of soap?” This was one of the “qualifying” questions posed to blacks attempting to register to vote up until the Voting Rights Act of 1965... Continue Reading
Looking Back To The Fathers of the PCA, Part 2: Address at Presbyterian Journal Day August 1969
From the blog of Andrew Barnes, Editor There are many questions circulating out there by some elders of the PCA concerning the future of our denomination. I believe it a good thing to look back at some of the writings of the fathers of our denomination as they were nearing the end of the PCUS... Continue Reading
“Economic Justice” as “Social Justice”
In truth, many of those who mouth the language of “social justice” have long meant “economic justice.” Historically, social justice has meant different things to different people, and equally so today, where the term remains as frustratingly elusive as ever. Like the very progressives that champion the term, the definition seems to evolve based on... Continue Reading
Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis Addresses Bruce Waltke Resignation
What does “conservative evangelical” mean? Frankly, at Answers in Genesis, we don’t know any more! And the fact that we don’t know should be a dire warning to church leaders and parents concerning the future of our young people—including the colleges (and seminaries) many of them will attend. A couple of months ago, Professor Bruce... Continue Reading
Without God, All Things are Permissible
“…what the world now needs is the first genuinely second-tier…form of political philosophy…we are awaiting the new global founding Fathers and Mothers who will frame an integral system of governance.” The religious beliefs of the original founders about the nature of reality determined the political and legal structures they created. Now, a different kind of... Continue Reading