What Is The One Thing You Would Say to Rising Church Leaders?
f you are going to affirm somebody, affirm them from the Bible. If you are going to do a strategy, do it from the Bible. DG Resources: Dr. Piper: If at the end of your life you could say one thing to the next generation of church leaders, what might it be? John Piper: This... Continue Reading
Psalms Please! – A Plea to Other Churches
It is good that many of you in our sister churches are taking great interest in the Free Church’s own version of ‘worship wars’, as we discuss supplementing our traditional practice of acapella psalm singing. We value your prayers at this time as we try to reflect upon what we do, in the light of... Continue Reading
Acknowledge the Sin, Accentuate the Grace, Honor the Fathers: Why I Love the PCA and RTS
Then he died at a good age, full of days, riches, and honor. And Solomon his son reigned in his place. 1Chronicles 29.28 There has been some talk lately, quite recently, that has come to me about the publication of a book allegedly claiming that racism was at the root of motivation of or somehow... Continue Reading
For Mothers Struggling with Guilt
Dear young mother, don’t waste your guilt! I became aware of the 9Marks eJournal on pastoring women because it is carrying a review of my book, Radical Womanhood. But the article that captured my attention is one by my friend, Jani Ortlund, who graciously and winsomely encourages young mothers who are struggling with guilt. This... Continue Reading
Why Are Parents So Unhappy? And Who Would Settle for Happiness, Anyway?
Christians must see children as gifts from God, not as projects, understanding family life as a crucible for holiness, not an experiment in happiness. For those interested in the fate of our culture, New York Magazine is an indispensable barometer. This single magazine, perhaps more than any other periodical, offers feature articles that catch the... Continue Reading
What Stephen King Taught Me About Repentance
Before you start judging me, I don’t read Stephen King’s horror books, and never have (not that there’s anything wrong with that). In the past year, though, I did read, for the second time, King’s insightful little book on writing, called On Writing. In the book I came across an anecdote I’d highlighted the first... Continue Reading
Video Games, Idols, and Your Child’s Heart
What this all means is that few children escape the influence of video games, and the temptation to idolatry. Video games are one of the most influential and time consuming recreational activities in our society today. On average gamers spend 18 hours per week playing video games. This extensive time investment is reflected in the... Continue Reading
Making All Things New – God’s mission is to bring heaven to earth
But a closer look at the context reveals that in those pictures Jesus gave of men in the field and women at the mill, those “left behind” are the righteous rather than the unrighteous. For a long time now, I’ve been convinced that the way most Christians think about redemption is influenced more by ancient... Continue Reading
Charles Stanley, First Baptist-Atlanta, Presents A Sober Warning in Fourth of July Message
“America currently stands in a very dangerous position,” said Stanley. “Today more than ever, the country is turning away from God and moving closer toward socialism, he warned. And the consequences will be grave.” “We know the truth, we know the principles of God. In spite of all that, we find ourselves as a nation... Continue Reading
How To Deal With A Large Minority – My Opinion of the Strategic Plan Process in the PCA
First, let me clarify something. I am writing this commentary as a churchman, not as a journalist. As publisher of an independent magazine, I don’t participate in discussions or votes at the General Assembly of the PCA (although I must admit my determination was sorely tempted on Thursday). I also write this not just simply... Continue Reading