Five Major Trends for Churches in America
“We believe these trends may indeed become reality. They admittedly do focus only on two generations, but these two groups are the largest two generations in America’s history. They cannot be ignored.” Discerning future trends can be difficult if not risky. If we miss a trend, we risk missing opportunities because we had our resources... Continue Reading
Who Will Be Tested Next? — The Acts 5:29 Dilemma of Franklin Graham
“But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” Every evangelical preacher and every individual Christian will face this question — and probably sooner rather than later. Marking the National Day of Prayer, evangelist Franklin Graham led in prayer this morning at the Pentagon. Not inside the Pentagon, mind you, but... Continue Reading
Thoughts on The PCA Strategic Plan: Is It Presbyterian?
The Strategic Plan enhances the power of the agency Coordinators and the Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC). There are some attributes of a thing that can be altered without compromising its basic character. You could remove the stone cladding of Buckingham Palace to reveal the red brick underneath and it would still be Buckingham Palace. Yet... Continue Reading
Death’s Progress
“Progressive” is a better name, more accurately describing the movement and its extremely broad, precariously unpredictable direction. Progressivism is all-the-rage nowadays, with liberals having jettisoned the “liberal” label for the less maligned tag of “progressive.” This is tactical as much as philosophical. It’s fascinating that Hillary Clinton, for instance, recently proclaimed herself a “progressive.” I... Continue Reading
Pastor and former business planner reflects on the PCA Strategic Plan – Part 3 (Final)
Seeing PCA Strategic Planning through Scriptural Spectacles (or to answer Peter Drucker’s famous questions: Who Is Our Customer and What Does He View As Value)? In seminary I wrote a paper on how to rightly or wrongly apply some of Peter Drucker’s business principles to the ministry of the church. I compared the seeker sensitive... Continue Reading
Should churches celebrate Mother’s Day in worship?
Editor’s Note: The responses start with Yes and end with No; read the entire story to get the correct balance. “I certainly think we should want to support motherhood; parenthood is the cornerstone of the family. We should be celebrating cultural rhythms liturgically. I think we can choose secular holidays to blur the line between... Continue Reading
WormTape #7: General Assembly 2015
After several years of wrangling, we will now with the 2015 General Assembly in Aruba have our General Assembly of the future. Charlie: “Well, now that the great and awesome President Obama’s Health Care plan is on its way to full implementation, we have our first shot at full implementation of our Coordinator Care Reform.... Continue Reading
Separating church, state doesn’t preclude religion
The church shouldn’t arrest people and the state shouldn’t baptize people. These institutions should remain separate. But the separation of church and state is not the same as the separation of God and state. Judge Barbara Crabb’s declaration last month that the National Day of Prayer, traditionally celebrated on the second Thursday in May, is... Continue Reading
NARAL’s Daughters — The Abortion Rights Crowd is Concerned
Speaking of pro-life activist women, the NARAL president said: “There are so many of them, and they are so young.” NARAL’s daughters are not where their mothers (and even grandmothers) were on the issue of abortion. That is a sign of hope — and a sign that the conscience of a culture can indeed be... Continue Reading
My Vision For The PCA
Instead of being critical of the proposed Strategic Plan, here is a positive vision for ministry at the local church level that I believe will have an impact on the church at large. The following comments are offered “as a few thoughts about how we could potentially improve things in the PCA. These comments are... Continue Reading