The Joy of Special Pleading
WormTape #3 Jan: “Dr. Wormtape has arrived on Skype. Dr. Temple, he wants to speak to us.” Dr. Temple: “What’s the topic for today’s instruction? I forget.” Jan: “Special Pleading 101. I’m putting him through now.” WormTape: “OK, my little monsters, today’s briefing is to prepare you for your presentation to the annual shareholders’ meeting.... Continue Reading
Buchenwald and the Totalitarian Century
Editor’s note: A longer version of this article first appeared at The American Spectator. This spring 2010 marks some sordid anniversaries: 65 years since the discovery of the Nazi concentration camps that facilitated the slaughter of six million Jews and four million various others deemed “misfits” and “undesirables” by Hitler and his henchmen. The ugly... Continue Reading
“Calling” vs. choice
Does God “call” people to ZIP codes? What is wrong with just saying that you want to live somewhere because you like the place? Why spiritualize it? The abuse of the concept of “calling” creates serious injury to people in the church and can lead to poor or cowardly choices. There is no need to... Continue Reading
The “Social Justice” Fallacy? Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing
Many Christians over many years have been beguiled by the Religious Left’s use of the term “social justice.” This is because Christians rightly love justice and hate injustice. But “social justice”—or, at least, how it’s often used by liberal Christians—isn’t necessarily biblical justice. The standard of biblical justice is equal treatment by law: “Thou shalt... Continue Reading
Cremation and a New Kind of Christianity
“As hellfire receded, there advanced the literal fires of the crematorium.” So writes Oxford historian Diarmaid MacCulloch in the concluding chapter of his massive Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. The history ends with a chapter on “culture wars,” the ways Christianity is experiencing change and tumult as it enters the twenty-first century. In the... Continue Reading
TIME: The Gift that can’t be Re-gifted!
Set a goal to set your goals – The most effective leaders set aside time at least weekly to lay out what they want to accomplish that week. Memorize this statement: God has not given us more things to do in a day than He has given us the time to get it done. I... Continue Reading
Seven Characteristics of Highly Evangelistic Christians
Ultimately evangelistic churches see more persons become Christians through the passionate efforts of highly evangelistic Christians. More than any programs. More than any church events. More than anything else, we are the instruments God has chosen to use. For over twenty years I have been researching and studying churches, primarily those in North America. I... Continue Reading
Just Say No to racial reconciliation, Please!
“For example, for a church to have a racial mix of whites and blacks in 2010 is as impressive as having whites and blacks play football together at the University of Alabama. Big deal.” New Christian initiatives to reconcile whites and blacks are 50 years too late and outdated. Pioneers like John Perkins and J.... Continue Reading
Where are William Wallace and Patrick Henry when you need them?
Yes, I know they’re dead. My question is, “Where are their kind?” That is, where are the men and women of our day who desire freedom and liberty for all, even if it means personal loss and sacrifice? Where are the patriots who are not bound by party affiliation, political pandering or extremist tendencies, but... Continue Reading
Of First Importance — The Cross and Resurrection at the Center
May the power of the cross and the victory of the empty tomb fill every pulpit, every pew, and every Christian heart — and may the Good News of the Gospel be received with joy by sinners in need of a Savior. The Christian faith is not a mere collection of doctrines — a bag... Continue Reading