A Good Time to Talk About Global Warming
“The author of melting-glacier chapter…knew that claim was false when he made it but included it anyway, because, “We thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policymakers and politicians and encourage them to take some concrete action.” This past Saturday, my daughter and her family were at our home and we played... Continue Reading
Jim Wallis takes on the Bankers
“His choice of words like “Values” and “Morals” instead of “Biblical” or “Christian” may enlarge the zone of discourse, but he has not left his evangelicalism behind.” In 1957, young Harvard-bred historian Timothy Smith, of the Church of the Nazarene, knocked a lot of us budding ordinary historians – secular, “mainstream,” or however described –... Continue Reading
True Christianity rests on fundamentals
The term “fundamentalist” sets off all sorts of warning bells with people. It conjures up images of angry, rigid, and uneducated religious fanatics or suicidal terrorists. In either case, the imagery is not becoming. In a recent article in The Savannah Morning News, newly-elected Bishop Scott Benhase declared his belief in a “different way of... Continue Reading
Spiritual Warfare: A Fight Within
I have the privilege as a ruling elder at a PCA church to help shoulder the burdens people carry in their lives. People come to me on a regular basis and ask for help with various issues. Often is the case that those burdens and problems are spiritual in nature and hence it might be... Continue Reading
What role does God play when disaster strikes?
After taking a special offering for the Haiti earthquake, a gentleman exiting the church paused. “Doesn’t God cause earthquakes?” he asked. “Yes,” I nodded. “Then why are we praying and raising money if this is what God has determined to happen?” Good question. Let’s consider some options: Atheists generally offer a bald scientific explanation to... Continue Reading
Air Conditioning Hell: How Liberalism Happens
Theological liberals do not intend to destroy Christianity, but to save it. As a matter of fact, theological liberalism is motivated by what might be described as an apologetic motivation. The pattern of theological liberalism is all too clear. Theological liberals are absolutely certain that Christianity must be saved…from itself. The classic liberals of the... Continue Reading
Policing The Student Section: Where To Draw The Line?
Basketball is unique among sports with regards to the distance (or lack thereof) between fans and players. This intimate setting, especially in high school and college basketball, encourages fans to creatively get into their opponents’ heads. Two incidents of unruly fan behavior last Saturday, however, have prompted action by institutions and conferences on opposite ends... Continue Reading
Missing the Missional Mark
In September Brent Thomas, pastor of Church of the Cross in Peoria, AZ, took issue with a 9 Marks review of Jim Belcher’s Book, Deep Church. Brent saw the review by Greg Gilbert as not only “snarky,” but also unfair. In fact Gilbert’s review actually received a response from Belcher himself on Trevin Wax’s blog.... Continue Reading
Touchy-feely Ft. Hood Report won’t help protect anyone
The report issued earlier this month by the Department of Defense blue-ribbon panel tasked with assessing the November 5, 2009 mass shooting at Ft. Hood, is — or ought to be – an embarrassment to our government. If this report is used as the basis for developing policies and programs to prevent future such incidents,... Continue Reading
Screwtape and Wormwood visit Broadway
(Editor’s Note: Julia Duin, a Washington Times columnist, was discipled at L’Abri; Play’s producer/star attends Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC) Perhaps everyone by now has at least heard of Max McLean’s production of “Screwtape,” the famous play about the letters of a senior devil (Screwtape) to Wormwood, a junior tempter. I am one of 75,000 people... Continue Reading