Supreme Court Rules: “Congress Shall Make No Law … Abridging the Freedom of Speech.”
The United States Supreme Court handed down its opinion in Citizens United v. FCC, voting 5-4 to stand by the Constitution and protect our First Amendment right to free speech. Justice Kennedy, writing for the Court, said, “We find no basis for the proposition that, in the context of political speech, the Government may impose... Continue Reading
One of These Things is Not Like the Others
There is something about the name Jesus Christ that drives the non-believer mad. Any reference to the name (or to a quotation) of Jesus arouses in the non-believer a dissonance that cannot be aroused by any other source. I thought about that dissonance – a feeling I used to experience regularly – when I received... Continue Reading
Seen But Not Heard?
Whatever happened to being seen but not heard? Diana West asks that question in a recent essay, noting that there has been a massive shift in Western culture away from adult authority and toward the “wise child.” All around us are signs that authority and wisdom are now to be recognized in the young, rather... Continue Reading
“Give us Faith So We’ll Be Safe:” A Theological and Pastoral Response to the Tragedy in Haiti
How do we who call ourselves followers of the Lord of Life respond to the chilling report that “40,000 bodies have been buried and there could be 200,000 dead in Haiti”? That paralyzing news is what we heard from the report of Shepherd Smith of Fox News. The earthquake in Haiti that has shaken the... Continue Reading
Stopping the Breakdown of the Family
Despite the opposition of many D.C. residents, the D.C. City Council bypassed a ballot vote, ignored constituents and passed legislation legalizing gay marriage. Congress has final approval over legislation passed by the District and can choose to intervene or allow legislation to become law. Thirty-seven House Republicans and two Senators filed an amicus brief with... Continue Reading
How The Media Have Mangled The Pro-Life Story
This past year, I found myself chief chronicler of the two of the year’s most important stories involving the pro-life movement. One was the inspiring saga of the 2009 March For Life, the largest in its 36-year history. The second was the dispiriting saga of the recently murdered late-term abortionist Dr. George Tiller. What the... Continue Reading
Really Helping Haiti
As I write this article, the death toll in Haiti because of the recent earthquake exceeds 100,000 souls. I have personally worked in Haiti spending extended periods of time in northwest Haiti overseeing a construction project when I worked for a cruise company. Because of this, I have some familiarity with life firsthand in Haiti... Continue Reading
An Amazing Article on Abortion in New York Magazine
Week by week, New York magazine offers insight into the culture and consciousness of the nation’s trendy population in Manhattan. This magazine, combined with The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, and The New Yorker, provides constant insight into the thinking of the New York elites. The magazine recently featured a major... Continue Reading
Either – Or: A Look at Faith and Law
Both/and is inclusive. Either/or is exclusive. Both/and creates allies. Either/or creates adversaries. Paul uses both/and a lot. Both men and women, Jews and Gentiles, freemen and slaves, barbarians and cultured. But, when it comes to faith and law in relationship to justification, Paul allows no both/and. It is either faith or law. Paul’s Contention about... Continue Reading
‘The Destiny of America,’ as spoken by Calvin Coolidge
In the period between the two World Wars, just before the crash of the Great Depression, Calvin Coolidge gave this speech as both a warning and an encouragement to the American people. The name of the speech is “The Destiny of America.” It states lessons which need to re-learned today: Settlers came here from mixed... Continue Reading