How Is Social Media Undermining the Mission of the Church?
The church today, more than ever, needs to boldly fulfill the call to preach the gospel and exercise discipline to preserve the integrity of Christ’s Great Commission.
Much of social media behavior today functions to undermine the design and authority of Christ’s church in the opening and closing of the kingdom according to these keys. And many of our problems come because the church has not been faithful to exercise the key that shuts the kingdom of heaven against those who stand... Continue Reading
Book Recommendation: What Happens When We Worship
What Cruse presents is an important and necessary corrective to the expressionist worship so common in modern evangelicalism, and he does so in a winsome, clear, and practical presentation.
A thorough understanding of these significant realities that take place each week we gather for corporate worship, Cruse suggests, should lead us to intentional preparation and heartfelt engagement in the service. We won’t chase after excitement or entertainment; rather, we will be satisfied with the simplicity and “ordinariness” of what we do, recognizing that truly... Continue Reading
One Unexpected Way to Model God’s Character for Your Family
Your steadiness as a father shows the steadiness of God to your family.
God is “always” and “never” a lot of things, and all of that steadiness ought to have a generally calming and peaceful effect on us as Christians. But as Christian fathers? It ought to do something in addition to that. It ought to make us want to model that steadiness in our homes. We... Continue Reading
The Death of Death and the Light of Eternity
Death will die and we will enjoy peace with God in a world that no longer has the effects of sin, the temptation of Satan, and the darkness of death (Rev. 21:23-24).
Although death is powerful and often comes upon people unexpectedly, it is Christ who has defeated this last enemy already and will one day stand victorious over death upon his return. Each time we observe the Lord’s Table with our church family, we remember and proclaim the Lord’s death. However, we must not overlook that... Continue Reading
Key Signs of an Abusive Pastor #3: Overly Critical and Harsh with Others
Spiritually abusive pastors typically lead through fault-finding
The New Testament is not unaware of the problem of pastors who are overly critical and harsh with their sheep. In the long list of qualifications, Paul is keen to mention it: “Therefore an overseer must be . . . not violent but gentle” (1 Tim 3:3; cf. Titus 1:7)…Paul believes gentleness matters very much. No... Continue Reading
What is Regeneration?
"He put a holy principle, a seed of new spiritual life, into this disposition that determines what I am and how I behave and how I use and employ my faculties." - Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that the doctrine of regeneration is one of the most important doctrines that a Christian needs to understand (75). The good news is that God does for us what we could never have done for ourselves so that we may be redeemed! May we exclaim with MLJ, “what a wonderful salvation, what... Continue Reading
When a Lesbian Atheist at Yale Came to Christ
Given the excessive numbers of stories that embrace and celebrate homosexuality, Gilson’s story occupies an important place, offering clear truths in a confused world.
Gilson writes with straightforward and clear prose, balancing grace and truth. Her clear-eyed, nuanced approach and wise insights will help anyone in the church to see more of the goodness of God in the sexual ethic of Scripture. Born Again This Way will also help ordinary Christians gain a better understanding of this complicated subject. Ultimately,... Continue Reading
Yes I Am Wretched – And So Are You
We are all sinful wretches in need of salvation.
Our sad state as unconverted sinners is at the heart of the Christian gospel. There can be no good news unless we first accept the bad news…. So those who reject this basic biblical truth are not calling out Calvin or Newton or me or you but God himself. And when you effectively tell God... Continue Reading
‘I Won’t Have What I Need’ What Stealing Says About God and Us
When laziness and selfishness drive us to steal, we forfeit the opportunity to share in God’s character.
Even though Scripture forbids stealing, any heart in love with the world will still be inclined to it. Sinners love forbidden fruit. The woman of folly rightly says to those she seduces, “Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant” (Proverbs 9:17). Water in this context likely refers to sexual intimacy (Proverbs... Continue Reading
When the Abused Become Abusers
What is wrong is when the abused become abusers, the oppressed become oppressors, and the victims become the victimizers.
Notice that for Frankl, the abused can become abusers and the oppressed become oppressors because they can fall prey to a “danger (in the sense of psychological hygiene) [that] is the psychological counterpart of the bends.”7 For him, it’s not that external factors in such cases bring out what is already in people (i.e., their... Continue Reading
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