One Another Texts: Care for One Another
The local church is the embassy of a future Kingdom, a Kingdom where Divine Love reigns, now present in a dark and hate-fueled world.
How then does a church maintain unity in these kinds of situations? At the expense of oversimplifying, the answer is to love. Seriously. Think about the Corinthian church, arguably the most dis-unified, tribalized church known to the Apostles. How does Paul address them? What imperatives does he apply out of the Gospel message? “Pursue love”... Continue Reading
Will Reformed Evangelicalism Divide Over Racial Politics? The 19th-Century Stone-Campbell Movement Offers a Clue
Maintaining Christian unity will require a concerted effort to look past the political labels of the Christians on each side of a political divide and focus on the orthodox Christian principles.
I still believe that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and a determination to resist the siren songs of the partisan slogans on both sides of a culture war divide, Christian unity can be maintained even among those with sharp partisan differences… The Stone-Campbellites failed to look beyond the partisanship a century and a... Continue Reading
How C.S. Lewis Predicted the Woke Nightmare
Easy to see echoes of Screwtape in the demands of progressive demagogues.
In an addendum released shortly before the author’s death in 1963 – Screwtape Proposes a Toast – Lewis pivots from dispensing universal wisdom to directly criticizing social trends of his day, trends which have gone from mere whispers on college campuses 60 years ago to become orthodoxy with the power of law today. Reading it today, it... Continue Reading
The Devil’s Playbook
The Devil is a master tactician. He is clever and ruthless. He doesn’t play fair.
Just imagine the Devil had a playbook – that he had written down all his tactics and strategies for tempting Christians. And imagine you had the chance to get hold of it. Wouldn’t that be very useful? What an edge that would give you over the Enemy of your soul! Instead of being blindsided by... Continue Reading
White People Don’t Have a Monopoly on Hatred
The primacy of the individual — that we judge people not by their lineage but by their deeds — is at the very foundation of a free society and of the American experiment.
I suspect that many white liberals — ridden with guilt over American history and biases that still exist among the white majority — believe they are doing minorities like me a favor by denying us the responsibility of addressing our own prejudices. Critical race theorists often argue that the true definition of racism should be... Continue Reading
The Equality Act and the Rise of the Anti-Theological State
The passage of the Equality Act would mean the death of religious liberty. It would force all religious institutions and citizens to prove to the government’s satisfaction that their convictions merit constitutional protection.
Yet the Equality Act is not merely a message. It is a draconian threat of legal, political, financial, and cultural coercion, and the coercive powers of the new moral order will be directed—as the Equality Act makes clear—against any resistance. Make no mistake about it: That coercion will be brought against religious schools, ministries, non-profits,... Continue Reading
How Long Is the Dash?
Encapsulated in that line is the story of a life lived then lost, a life begun then ended, a life celebrated then mourned.
I am both challenged and comforted by the thought. I often lament the brevity of Nick’s life, the abruptness of his departure. I often wonder what significance there can be in a life that was only 20 years long. But if our dashes extend endlessly into the infinite reaches of time and space, there is... Continue Reading
Where Do Christians Go When They Die?
Heaven, as wonderful as it is, is not the final resting place for God’s people. He never meant it to be.
Heaven, like God himself, is a world we understand truly, and yet fall far short of understanding fully. As the apostle John wrote, “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he... Continue Reading
One Another Texts: Living in Harmony
Much like music, harmony in relationships and in the church is difficult.
An unbelieving world is always watching in at the church. It has too often seen division and disunity over minor issues. Let us ask that God grant His church to live in harmony with one another as we love and serve one another, both for His glory and so that the watching world can hear... Continue Reading
The Corridor of Time
The Arminian rejects the Reformed option, but the remaining options are either self-contradictions or blasphemy.
For the events of history to exist in the mind of God prior to their existence in external reality would require something like the divine decree, but Arminianism rejects the divine decree. For the events of history to exist “outside” of God prior to their existence in external reality would require either that they both... Continue Reading
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