El Shaddai, the God Who Is More Than Enough
El Shaddai is the God Who is more than enough to be our arm of strength in these days.
No matter who we are, “El Shaddai” is on our side. However, the battle also faces us as a corporate body, especially at this time in the Church’s history—when the evil one will seek to take advantage to discourage, divide, and disperse the children of God during the repaganization of Western Civilization. But God Almighty,... Continue Reading
When Kings Take Counsel Together
The World May Not Rule Itself Without Christ
When our rulers and men of wealth, the mighty in the land, take counsel together to substitute human authority for divine authority, when by their lies they throw all things into chaos that they might impose an order of their own making, this Petrine counsel is the counsel we must take. We must fearlessly adhere... Continue Reading
The Practice of Accepting Disappointment
No one ever can fully meet your hopes, desires, and expectations. And you can’t meet theirs.
God’s gifts are good and are meant to be enjoyed. Yet none of them can deliver all that they promise. Each of them brings a level of satisfaction but also a level of disappointment, a sense of beauty but also a sense of longing for more. We need to be wary of that longing for... Continue Reading
A New Testament Scholar Explains What Should Be the Two Key Voting Concerns for Christians
How do Christians determine what are the most important matters when voting for or against a political candidate? We have to start “in the beginning.”
Summary: The two most consequential acts of God at creation were the valuing of human life as the only creatures made in God’s image and the integrating of that image-bearing into the creation of male and female sexual counterparts. Since these two creation acts are most consequential in the eyes of God, policies adversely affecting... Continue Reading
Seeking Godly Rulers In Ungodly People
How Should the Church Speak Prophetically Towards Holiness in Its Rulers
A country’s leaders will reflect the country, and a country will reflect their leaders. Even more so a church which is unconcerned with personal holiness in itself will no doubt not seek leaders which reflect the type of life Christ expects of all men. Putting up with sin has a leprous effect on the body... Continue Reading
Twelve Ways to Promote the Sunday Evening Service
Tell people who is preaching, or the passage or series being preached.
Consider having a missionary speak or have an interesting ministry update 30 minutes before the evening service. State that there will be a 15 minute psalm- or hymn-sing before the evening service. Do this once a month. State that there will be a 30 minute ice-cream social before the evening service. Do this on a different... Continue Reading
How to Write a Meaningful Card
Writing cards is a way to re-humanize a de-humanized culture.
I write cards of condolence as often as I can. This is an art. I endeavor to enter someone’s sorrow, to restate what they might be experiencing. I do not offer cheap consolation. I lament with one who has lost a friend or relation or who is suffering ill health (Isaiah 50:4). I often teach... Continue Reading
16 Thoughts for Christian Citizens
...as the first Tuesday in November approaches
Politeness matters; it tends to peace. Being a good neighbor will be more important than ever. Do not taunt or respond angrily to taunting, whatever the outcome. Say less rather than more; read Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. There is little at this point you can do to affect the outcome of the election except to vote. God is... Continue Reading
“Christians” Disowning Christ
Apostasy is real – and a real concern.
“The Australian Catholic University will reimburse attenders of a graduation ceremony where Joe de Bruyn sparked a walkout with a speech denouncing abortion and same-sex marriage, as the university also revealed it had urged the former union chief to reconsider his remarks before he delivered them. De Bruyn’s address, delivered on Monday evening, prompted major... Continue Reading
Reforming America by Restoring Christian Education
We must consider the effects the public school system has had on our children and, by extension, our nation.
In the face of absolute indoctrination, dwindling church attendance, and anti-Christian humanist teachings, what is the church body to do? Should we continue to send our children out to the yellow school bus? Of course not! We must take back the minds, souls, and hearts of our children and commit ourselves to independent Christian education.... Continue Reading