It’s a Religious Movement, Not a Disease
Historians may be changing the way they look at contemporary evangelicalism.
Everyone understands that scientists, both natural and humanistic, interpret evidence, whether viruses, presidents, or evangelists. Historians evaluate data as much as public health experts. Still, the best historical judgments do not change with the headlines. A virus may require government to respond, but Protestants from the past do not. Calls for amnesty among those... Continue Reading
The Struggle for Soul in Christian Higher Education: Burtchaell was Right, and I Was Wrong, Part II
If a college or university has swallowed “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” ideology whole, orthodox Christianity will move out as it moves in.
A serious Christian school must have an explicit, orthodox, Christian mission and it has to hire administrators, faculty, and staff for that mission. It has to have a fully informed and committed board that insists on those things happening. Above all, it needs a president committed to an orthodox vision who is willing to insist... Continue Reading
Compulsory Feminism
Anti-discrimination ideology is based on a hyper-individualistic conception of what it means to have a successful life, especially for women.
Male workforce participation has steadily declined under the anti-discrimination regime. It is presently under 70 percent, a historic low. Many would like to believe that we can address these problems while preserving the anti-discrimination sexual constitution. But the problem of a lack of marriageable men and other breakdowns in the male–female dance are endemic to... Continue Reading
Further Remarks Concerning the Fitness for Office Controversy in the Presbyterian Church in America
It is absolutely essential that we return to a state of affairs in which it is unthinkable that someone who feels a desire to break Lev. 18:22 would ever be a leader among us.
Christ is one, and he alone is righteousness for all who believe in him, irrespective of anything in themselves and irrespective of their place in the church. But office has higher standards than membership, is available only to a select few (Jas. 3:1), and is not meant to glorify the ones who hold it but so that... Continue Reading
Nihilism—in Nazi Germany and Today
The great temptation of our day, that of conflating politics with Christianity, is intense.
Ours is a time of anthropological crisis when we as a society cannot agree on what it means to be human. In such a context, theologians who faced that issue in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s are obvious dialogue partners upon whom we can draw. Twice in the last ten days my dear... Continue Reading
The Myth of Neutrality
Can we really remain neutral in these crucial areas?
In most crucial areas of life, neutrality is a myth. It either does not exist, or seeking to remain neutral will just cause harm and hurt. We all must get involved, take a stand, and take sides. That certainly is the case with our eternal destiny. But it also matters in things like the culture... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s Best Friend: A Good Catechism
We Need to Affirm Sound Doctrine
A Catechism for Christian Growth is specifically designed to fit into a variety of settings in the Christian life. It helps parents shepherd their children, new converts understand the fundamentals of the faith, and entire congregations learn sound doctrine like catechisms have for centuries. It is a succinct yet systematic scaffolding upon which Christians can fortify... Continue Reading
Evangelical Maturity
Be not Blown about by Every Fad
One reason Christians today are losing the cultural battle is that they are fighting on yesterday’s front. Athanasius was fighting for Christology. Luther fought for soteriology. The fight today is over anthropology. Yes, all truth everywhere matters, but the battle today rages over what is a human. This issue has implications for sexuality, natural law,... Continue Reading
The Biggest Problem in Worship Education
Invest in Worship Ministries, not just Worship Services
Remember the next generation of worship leaders. Of course, it is urgent to be concerned with what is happening on your platform this Sunday, but what seeds are being planted by your church in the children’s and youth ministry that will be harvested in the future? Public education is abandoning music. The children in your... Continue Reading
STDs in the USA
While there is a cure for STDs, there is no cure for stupidity. The sexual revolution is one of the most obviously failed experiments ever attempted in human history.
Human history indicates that the self-evident nonsense of an idea is seldom a barrier to it becoming the dominant philosophy of its age. That man is born free and is everywhere in chains is one. That sex is a cost-free, light recreation is another. According to a recent CDC report, cases of syphilis are... Continue Reading
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