The Bible Is A Historical Document
And why that's frustrating for everyone.
In order for the Bible to be coherent, we really do need to have some insight into their world. It’s not that someone needs to understand their ancient setting in order to understand what the Bible is teaching, but many pieces of the full Biblical puzzle will remain missing until you start to dive into their... Continue Reading
The Train is Leaving the Station
Andy Stanley’s Departure from Biblical Christianity
Stanley dismissed Biblical texts against homosexual behavior as “clobber” verses and said, “If your theology gets in the way of ministry—like if there’s somebody you can’t minister to because of your theology—you have the wrong theology.” This is not a misunderstanding. This is a trajectory that points to the Unconditional Conference and two speakers married... Continue Reading
The Singles among Us Deserve a Better Church Culture
While God’s design for marriage is a good gift, so is singleness.
We can’t allow an unbiblical culture of the church to exist unchecked, rather we should actively seek to redirect our church members back to a truly biblical perspective. Therefore, we need to address the idolization of marriage within our church. Every individual church has its own culture. Biblical mandates, denominational beliefs, and traditions make... Continue Reading
Young Men and the Search for Genuine Masculinity
Christianity offers a vision of self-sacrifice in a world of self-promotion.
Pastors and parents must be intentional about the formation of the young men in our homes and congregations. Lost boys don’t have to stay lost. They can be found, ultimately, by a Heavenly Father who loves them and can redeem their lives for His glory. A recent poll by the Survey Center on American... Continue Reading
Pastor, You Don’t Have A Job
If you think you have a job you tend to think about contracted hours and about productivity.
If you spend your days in prayer, in the Bible, walking the hills, visiting the sick, dreaming about the future, and gazing on Jesus’ face? That is ministry. If you then spend the occasional day and your evenings and weekends weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice, enjoying life around the table... Continue Reading
Truth, Facts, and Opinion
Mental and moral clarity on truth versus opinion.
Contrary to what many people state, religions are NOT all the same, and do not all lead to the same God. Anyone who actually has studied the various major world religions closely knows how very different they actually are. Pretending they are all alike is a case of intellectual vandalism. It is also a case of seeking... Continue Reading
The Crushing Yoke of a Deconstructionist Pastor
Pastoring without Jesus is just hopeless.
Alexander Lang sees himself not as a an undershepherd called to comfort his sheep with the message of Christ crucified but as a Christendom-scented psychologist charged with fixing his patients. For pastors, the compassion fatigue problem is easy to solve. Yes, it can be exhausting to carry the sorrows of your people. But that exhaustion fades... Continue Reading
What Is So Difficult About Being a Pastor?
In no other job are you required to go from studying an ancient document to counseling someone who just got cancer, to leading a board room meeting, to writing a public speech, to burying a dead person, all in the same day.
The Spirit must descend and produce new birth. Pastors are primed to long for the Holy Spirit. Every day, they are being backed further and further into the corner of God’s sovereignty, where they realize that they are weak, fearful, trembling, unpersuasive, and unwise (1 Cor 2:3-4). Many will dig a hole in the ground,... Continue Reading
Competing for the First Day
Who is on the Lord’s side?
That’s a question that needs to uncomfortably confront any of our commitments and loyalties. We don’t stand at the foot of Sinai in the shadow of the golden calf, but there’s plenty of calves erected in our society and hearts and many are willing to break loose before them — there are idols before whom... Continue Reading
Can Mainline Protestantism Be Rebuilt?
A proposal for a new approach to church in America's fourth republic.
The negative world is almost defined by institutional incompatibility or hostility to historical Protestantism. This necessitates a countercultural approach and bars the door to a mainline relationship of the church to culture. Jake Meador wrote a recent interesting piece on a topic of great interest to me, namely about a call to attempt to... Continue Reading
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