The Children Who Kill Children
We have become a society filled with very young men who are ready and willing to throw away their lives and the lives of others.
Whatever we’ve been doing isn’t working. Even granting that the temptation in moments like these is to overstate the frequency of mass killings, the fact remains that the social and spiritual condition of young American men accords perfectly well with their ascendant role in these horrific events. Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, was thirty-six... Continue Reading
A Culture That Celebrates Dismembering Children in the Womb Can’t Understand Why It’s Afflicted with Mass Shootings
We’ve created a culture of death, and now we have to live with it.
We have set this scene, yet when the predictable script plays out, we ask, “Why do we keep letting this happen?” Neither rifle bans, tougher background checks, nor any other “do something!” policy aimed at mass shootings will actually stop the carnage. As the country reels over the Texas massacre, where 19 children and... Continue Reading
When MAID goes to Church
Can faithful Christians “baptize” medical assistance-in-dying (MAID) to make it an act of religious worship in the house of God?
Although faithful Christians know that “to depart and be with Christ is far better”, we patiently choose to remain until our work on earth is done and our Lord calls us home. Glory awaits those who wait patiently. I was recently taken aback to read that medical assistance-in-dying (MAID) was performed in a church in Manitoba.... Continue Reading
Queer Nation Is No Nation At All
The Pride flag itself is now in the state of flux to which the notion of inclusion detached from any objective foundation must inevitably lead.
For a flag to be a powerful, sacred symbol of unity and purpose, it has to symbolize a real common sense of unity—a unified moral vision around which individuals can rally as part of a larger imagined community. That the Pride flag already has so many variations reveals the lack of unity that has always... Continue Reading
Homosexuals: Who Really Loves Whom the More?
Who really loves whom more with regard to homosexuals and lesbians?
When it comes to “who really loves homosexuals and lesbians more?” the only answer is those who also love the divine revelation of God and are willing to speak the truth in love to their homosexual and lesbian family members and friends. With a month of national promotion, embracing and engaging in “Pride Month,”... Continue Reading
The Standing Judicial Commission Just Violated the PCA Constitution and Standards—Again.
What rights do PCA members have to present their cases before the church courts?
The Bible I read gives a strong impression that the King and Head of the Church looks none too kindly on this kind of brazen rebellion—especially when perpetrated by those who claim to be His shepherds. “It belongs to His Majesty,” reads the BCO Preface, “from His throne of glory to rule and teach the... Continue Reading
Defeating the Culture of Death
We don’t need more gun control. We need morality, religion, community—and the gallows.
If morality points toward the gallows for murderers, what of that other pillar of a constitutional republic, religion? What does religion, particularly the Christian religion, have to say about it? Let me just get out of the way and let Christians speak for themselves. Here we go again. Wasn’t it just last week we... Continue Reading
The Case for Recent Creation
Theologically and pastorally, the doctrine of recent creation turns out to be surprisingly important.
We find that recent creation is both important and reasonable. Let us therefore believe and proclaim what God has said. This is will strengthen the faith of the Church, energize her Gospel witness, strike an effectual blow at the dominant intellectual idol of our age (cosmic evolution), and give real hope to earnest seekers of... Continue Reading
Response to Tom Hervey’s ‘Reflections on the Statement by the PCA Coordinators and Presidents’
Some of the assumptions lead me to believe that more research and careful listening is needed.
What Mr. Hervey also means by the “separation of law and gospel” is as unclear to me as some of the issues of the Statement seem to be to him. How the separation of law and gospel relates to the issue at hand is also a puzzle to me. The same statement, “You shall love... Continue Reading
A New Proposed Overture 23 Before the PCA General Assembly.
The proposed Overture 23 fits the flow of BCO chapter 16 thematically, linguistically and logically.
I favor what is numbered Overture 23. It fits the flow of chapter 16 thematically, linguistically and logically. A particular strength of Overture 23 is that it addresses the current error (calling oneself a gay/SSA/homosexual Christian); yet it also addresses any type of error where church officers may identify with other specific sins that could... Continue Reading
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