Having the Street Smarts to Talk about God
New book helps Christians to converse about tough issues.
In ‘Street Smarts’, Koukl teaches the kinds of questions that are most effective while also providing sample conversations on the most common topics, which is another very important contribution of this book. In addition to answering the misconceptions about faith that people often have—from God’s existence to the divinity of Jesus—Street Smarts helps believers engage... Continue Reading
The Train is Leaving the Station
Andy Stanley’s Departure from Biblical Christianity
Stanley dismissed Biblical texts against homosexual behavior as “clobber” verses and said, “If your theology gets in the way of ministry—like if there’s somebody you can’t minister to because of your theology—you have the wrong theology.” This is not a misunderstanding. This is a trajectory that points to the Unconditional Conference and two speakers married... Continue Reading
Comprehending the Love of God
Is there anything grander than God and his love?
“Love cannot be satisfied. Once you know this Person and begin to love Him, you feel that all you have received is not enough, you want more and more. This is what Paul is praying for these Ephesians. He longs for them also to know Christ, because to know Him is to know His love.... Continue Reading
Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age Foreword
Don’t follow the great dragon; that’s what this book is about. He has already been defeated.
We believe that if God is for us, no one can stand against us (8:31). We believe that we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (8:37) and that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us... Continue Reading
No True Christian: Part Two
For those who are redeemed, perhaps the greatest act of doing true good unto others is to call them to repentance from sin and point them to Jesus, to call upon Him.
We decided to answer the claims of Russell Moore and the Woke crowd by turning back a century in time to another person who fought this very same battle with liberals in his day. J. Gresham Machen’s book Christianity and Liberalism came out one hundred years ago in 1923, and his response to the out-of-context... Continue Reading
“Thank you God for the Fleas”
The Gratitude of Betsie and Corrie Ten Boom
In the weeks to come, the crowded dormitory was a blessing. The women on camp met there regularly. Scriptures were read. Hymns were sung. Betsy and Corrie couldn’t understand why guards never closed it down. One day, Betsy asked a guard to come into the hut on another matter. She refused. Why? Because the hut was riddled... Continue Reading
The Crushing Yoke of a Deconstructionist Pastor
Pastoring without Jesus is just hopeless.
Alexander Lang sees himself not as a an undershepherd called to comfort his sheep with the message of Christ crucified but as a Christendom-scented psychologist charged with fixing his patients. For pastors, the compassion fatigue problem is easy to solve. Yes, it can be exhausting to carry the sorrows of your people. But that exhaustion fades... Continue Reading
David Livingstone, Slavery Abolitionist
Livingstone died without any awareness that the bloody trade he had steadfastly opposed for so many years was about to be brought to a swift end.
Beginning on the very day of Livingstone’s death, the British naval patrol was instructed to prevent the export of slaves from the eastern coastal ports. Just five weeks after his death the great slave market at Zanzibar was permanently closed. Less than two years later “all conveyance of slaves by land under any conditions” was... Continue Reading
The Trinity and the Gospel of John
By well-chosen words and analogies, John thus helps us grasp, in some feeble way, the ineffable glory of the blessed Trinity.
In describing the true light’s reception by believers, the prologue picks up a theme already introduced in John 1:3 and elaborated more fully throughout the Gospel, namely, the indivisible operation of the persons of the Trinity. The believing reception of the Word, resulting in the reception from the Word of “the right to become children... Continue Reading
Don’t Believe Culture’s Lies about Men and Women
A review of Rosaria Butterfield’s "Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age".
Don’t mistake Butterfield’s confidence for pride. Her heart throughout the book proclaims this message (my paraphrase): “God the sovereign creator brilliantly and beautifully designed men and women. We should obey what he tells us. We should live according to his design. We shouldn’t believe lies.” That assertiveness may strike some people as arrogant since it... Continue Reading
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