The Abolition of Journalism
Why disruption is an opportunity to create new and better news.
There is no golden age of journalism for which believers should pine, but there are many models of great journalism to which we might aspire. The collapse of the objectivity paradigm and the ad-supported business model means that the field is wide open for innovative ways both to do journalism and to finance it. ... Continue Reading
Christian Professor Forced to Misuse Gender Pronouns
A Christian professor of ethics and philosophy sued Shawnee State University in Ohio for forcing him to use female pronouns to refer to a male student who identified as transgender.
As an active member of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), Dr. Meriwether “believes that God created human beings as either male or female, that this gender is fixed in each person from the moment of conception, and that it cannot be changed, regardless of an individual’s feelings or desires.” Earlier this month, a... Continue Reading
5 Troubling Shifts That Define Modern Culture
The assumption is that, in contrast to scientific assertions, religious claims are neither factual in nature nor subject to rational evaluation.
Scientism tells us that there is no truth related to the meaning and purpose of life; the difference between right and wrong or virtue and vice; life after death; and, of course, God himself. And even if there were truths in these areas, no one could have a clue as to what they were. ... Continue Reading
C.S. Lewis and Aristotle on Civic Friendship
Aristotle described three types of friendship. In a season of increased polarization and even calls for incivility from national political leaders, perhaps we need a fourth.
One of the most painful realities of this seemingly interminable political season has been witnessing, and feeling, the rise of rancor and frustration toward our family, friends, and neighbors who think so differently than we do about this or that political issue, or this or that political candidate. This is not unique, nor is it... Continue Reading
If you Accept Transgender, then why not Trans-Aged?
Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old who feels like he’s in his 40s… is asking a court in his hometown of Arnhem, the Netherlands, to change his birth certificate.
Folks are already dismissing Ratebland’s request as different from and offensive to transgender people. But the obvious question is why? In what way is this different from transgenderism? A closer look reveals that there isn’t very much of a difference at all. The Washington Post reports that a man wishes to self-identify as twenty years... Continue Reading
Berkeley Student Senator Disavowed over Christian Beliefs Responds to Calls to Resign
After choosing to abstain from voting on a resolution to oppose the recent Title IX changes proposed by President Donald Trump, Chow's own party disavowed her.
Chow, who says she “campaigned very clearly as the candidate who would represent the Christian community” chose not to vote for the bill, stating that she could not do so “without compromising [her] values and [her] responsibility to the community that elected [her] to represent them.” During an interview with Campus Reform, Chow said that she... Continue Reading
Are Women Real?
The impending clash between feminism and transgenderism
“Transgenderism also clashes with the feminist idea that womanhood is something no man can ever experience. But that doesn’t stop many progressives from trying to hold the two together, on one hand insisting that men can never understand women’s struggle and at the same time insisting that men can become women.” A war is... Continue Reading
Guy Fawkes Day & Other Memorable Rebellion
Guy Fawkes was a Catholic whose plan was to kill King James in order to overthrow the Protestant monarchy
“Many Catholics saw him as a hero, the perfect example of bravery, willing to die for the cause he believed in. Many Protestants saw him as the perfect example of what happens to villains who try to overthrow God’s king. And thus a national holiday was born, in which people all over the world light... Continue Reading
Allan Bloom’s Six Ways That Universities Corrupt the Youth
After the American Civil War, which challenged the dominant Protestant Christian faith, colleges and universities began to break away from religious moorings and higher education underwent a process of secularization.
A society in which citizens believe that truth is relative, or one with a significant number of citizens who deny that truth can be known and taught, will be susceptible to greater forces that use power to achieve their own goals. For that reason, Bloom writes with what can only be called frustration that “there... Continue Reading
What ‘The New York Times’ Gets Wrong on the ‘Transgender Memo’
Without a stable definition of what a man or woman is, society’s most important constituency—humanity—is left wondering what, in fact, it is.
Two of the world’s foremost experts confidently dismiss the timeless truth that sex and gender identity are chromosomal and embodied realities—while admitting no one knows where gender identity originates or, for that matter, what constitutes male or female. This admission means humanity is left with no stable definition of itself. Last week, within the... Continue Reading
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