5 Facts About Planned Parenthood’s Congressional Testimony
Richards provided a number of misleading claims, inaccurate statements, and downright falsehoods.
Coalfire Systems, a highly accredited forensic analysis and cybersecurity company that does work for Fortune 500 companies, issued a report Monday which found that 10 full-footage videos the Center for Medical Progress recorded while undercover at Planned Parenthood facilities and related locations “are authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing.” Earlier today... Continue Reading
Is Capitalism UnChristian?
Christian principles do undergird capitalism. And the biggest of these is capital itself.
“The engine of capitalism is the God-given drive, ability, and responsibility to create, to innovate, to conquer and subdue. When humans make something out of nothing, or when we make the same something more efficiently, we show forth the image of God in us.” I’m not interesting in commenting on the specifics of either... Continue Reading
The Most Invisible Christians in Washington
Even as Middle Eastern churches face extinction, their lobby struggles to be heard
“The world has watched and witnessed the targeted persecution of Christians, suffering violence, displacement, rape, enslavement, and even death,” said Kirsten Evans, executive director of IDC. “Do these crimes constitute genocide under international law, and if so, what the so what are the options the international community has in order to respond?” The woman’s... Continue Reading
Germany’s Coming Demographic Revolution
Germany recently declared that it would take 800,000 refugees this year
Even as Germany has introduced “temporary” border controls in the past few days, the estimates for the actual number of migrants expected continues to grow. Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel now tells his party that, “There are many indications that in this year we will not see 800,000 refugees, as predicted, but a million.” They... Continue Reading
What Is a Christian’s Responsibility to Government?
For God’s sake we are called to be model citizens
“We are told to bend over backwards to honor the king or be obedient to the civil magistrates. That doesn’t mean a slavish obedience to the civil magistrates. There are occasions on which Christians not only may but must disobey the civil magistrates.” The New Testament gives us some broad principles on how we... Continue Reading
The Coddling of the American Mind
In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.
Thomas Jefferson, upon founding the University of Virginia, said: “This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error so long as reason is left free to combat it.” We believe that this is... Continue Reading
Have Evangelicals Who Support Trump Lost Their Values?
For evangelicals and other social conservatives to back Donald Trump they must repudiate everything they believe.
We should also count the cost of following Donald Trump. To do so would mean that we’ve decided to join the other side of the culture war, that image and celebrity and money and power and social Darwinist “winning” trump the conservation of moral principles and a just society. We ought to listen, to get... Continue Reading
Welcome to the Brave New World of 1984 UK Style – Where Religion Must Have A Government Approved Stamp
The government wants to send me back to school, to learn their version of theology and ensure that I am not an extremist!
The government are concerned about Muslim extremists and so, in order to combat this, they want to promote and protect ‘British values’. To achieve this aim they are proposing to establish a national register of ‘faith leaders’. These faith leaders will receive special training and special security checks. Any faith leaders who want to be... Continue Reading
The New Socialists and the Social Ownership of Money
The New Socialists are content with allowing the capitalists to create the wealth as long as they get to decide how it is redistributed.
Both Waldman and Sanders appear to be advocating a form of “social ownership” of money. They don’t want to take all of everyone’s money (after all, they aren’t communists) but they do think that a large proportion of income and wealth belongs to everyone collectively and should therefore be distributed in a more “equitable” manner (i.e., in... Continue Reading
Through African Eyes: Resisting America’s Cultural Imperialism
The mainstream acceptance and promotion of same-sex relations in the West and America is solidly opposed in African societies.
One important difference, however, has been the enduring importance of traditional conceptions of family and morality. This largely shields Africans from the cultural upheavals that America has suffered, including redefinitions of male-female roles, chastity, holiness, and, of course, the normalization of homosexual sex. Liberal American Christians judge the African position on homosexuality as cruel to... Continue Reading
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