Cultural and Religious Research Cheat Sheet
88% of Americans agree "There is more to life than the physical world and society"
I thought I would share these stats I compiled for the Exponential Conference held this past April. These are as up-to-date as I could make them. But like any stat, they could be updated and changed. So before you use them, be discerning and verify them from the source listed in parentheses
Study on Sports and Religion Released
How Americans react to religious expressions of professional athletes
A new study finds that few Americans react negatively when professional athletes express their religious beliefs, such as talking about their religious faith in post-game interviews or making religious signs or gestures on the field of play. The quarterback starts his post-game interview by thanking “my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The small forward... Continue Reading
Christians Have Crosses, Jews Have Stars and Atheists Have … What, Exactly?
Atheists develop their own symbolic jewelry
“The Scarlet Letter” is now proudly chosen by atheists to wear on jewelry made from ceramic, silver, gold and wood. Christians have their crosses and crucifixes, Jews their Stars of David, Hindus their oms and Buddhists their lotuses. Atheists ask, why shouldn’t they and other nonbelievers have their own symbols as well? Hester... Continue Reading
Bible Verses on Banners Kick Off Texas Conflict
Cheerleaders' Scripture-Quoting Football Signs Face Constitutional Challenge
In a letter to the Kountze superintendent, (the Texas Attorney General) characterized the move from the Freedom from Religion Foundation as "menacing and misleading" and said the "organization has a long history of attempting to bully school districts into adopting restrictive religious speech policies that go well beyond what is required by the United States Constitution."
Mounting Opposition to CRPD
Conservative lawmakers vow to block an international disabilities treaty that could affect U.S. sovereignty, homeschooling, and the promotion of abortion
Opponents argue the treaty would strip parents of the right to decide what’s in the best interest of their children, including the choice to educate them at home. Home School Legal Defense Association founder Michael Farris told me the treaty gives homeschoolers serious reason to be concerned: “We’re giving away the sovereignty of the family, as well as giving away the sovereignty of America.” The Vatican has already refused to sign the treaty on the grounds that it may be used to promote abortion.
Blocking the Shots
Many homeschoolers are taking unnecessary risks by withholding common vaccines from their children
All 50 states require vaccination for public-school attendance, permitting exemptions for medical reasons. All except Mississippi and West Virginia allow religious exemptions, and 20 states let parents skip their students’ shots for “philosophical” reasons—often a firmly held belief that vaccines are ineffective or harmful. An Associated Press reporter found the rate of vaccine exemptions has... Continue Reading
Confronting the scourge of pornography
Our children, our marriages, our communities and our nation all have a stake in ridding our homes of pornography
Pornography is principally about violence against women. In pornography, women are merely objects for male aggression. No meaningful emotional relationship is developed in pornography. It is all about the male's satisfaction at the woman's expense. Pornography is implicated in nearly all acts of sexual violence. It feeds the basest aspects of the male psyche and produces in some men an insatiable desire to fulfill their violent fantasies in real life.
30 million Christians aren’t registered/don’t vote
It's not too late - a web site to assist you is included
"Politics is not a hobby like scrapbooking. Getting involved should not be an option. Politics, whether we like it or not, affects every area of our lives”
Hookup Culture Is Good for Women, and Other Feminist Myths
According to Atlantic essayist Hanna Rosin, we should celebrate that young women are now acting as sexually selfish as their male counterparts.
Even if they don’t always heed it in practice, Christians at least acknowledge the truth and goodness of the biblical view of human sexuality—that both men and women will honor God and find personal fulfillment in engaging in a sexual relationship with one other person within the covenant of marriage.
Childlike Faith: Are Kids Born with Belief?
What developmental science tells us about children's religious beliefs.
Children have a natural disposition to see the natural world as having purpose. Research has shown that children have a strong inclination to see design in the world around them, but they are left wondering who did it. They also know design doesn't arise through random chance or mechanistic processes. In fact, children (and adults) automatically look for a person behind purpose or design
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