Jerry Zandstra’s last acting part was in a seventh-grade production of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” He got to say the best line: “But he has nothing on at all!”
“I nailed it,” the minister-turned-actor recalled with a chuckle. “It’s still talked about.”
Zandstra hopes people talk plenty about his new movie, “The Genesis Code,” which argues that the idea that faith and science are incompatible is as threadbare as the emperor’s invisible garments.
Nope, it turns out the book of Genesis and the findings of science agree just fine, according to this $5 million movie to be released this week at the Grand Rapids Film Festival…
“The core of the story is this faith-versus-science piece,” said Zandstra, an energetic guy with a weight-lifter’s physique. “Those two are not necessarily enemies. As a matter of fact, they ought to be friends.”
The premise is not new, but presenting it as a film drama definitely is. While not likely a blockbuster, Zandstra’s movie might move into the popular square a long-raging debate in Christian academia: Can the Bible’s six-day creation account be squared with the 4.5-billion-year-old scenario of science?
Not surprisingly, Americans disagree on this. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center for People & the Press, 55 percent say religion and science often are in conflict…
Meanwhile, issues of creation and evolution continue to trouble evangelical colleges. Biblical scholar Trempor Longman III was dismissed last year as an adjunct teacher at Reformed Theological Seminary after he questioned whether Adam was a historical figure.
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