World reports that evangelical “creation care” organizations like the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), its daughter organization Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the once-conservative now moderate-to-Left-leaning Christian Coalition receive a major share of their financial support from Left-wing, pro-abortion, pro-population control, environmentalist foundations.
The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation has reported that in a three-page article, World environment reporter Daniel James Devine reports that evangelical “creation care” organizations like the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), its daughter organization Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the once-conservative now moderate-to-Left-leaning Christian Coalition receive a major share of their financial support from Left-wing, pro-abortion, pro-population control, environmentalist foundations.
The Christian Coalition, for instance, “collected at least $3.4 million from groups identified with environmentalism or leftist politics: the Green Tech Action Fund, the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund, and the Energy, Hewlett, Marisla, and Rockefeller foundations,” Devine reports.
EEN, according to the report, collected $4.9 million from such organizations, while another group, New Venture Fund’s “Creation Care Fund,” collected $2 million, and the liberal American Values Network and AVN Education Fund collected $931,000.
Devine reports, “According to WORLD’s review of publicly available tax records, between 2008 and 2013 the Marisla Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Energy Foundation gave $1.25 million to EEN. In 2008 the Alliance for Climate Protection, founded by former Vice President Al Gore, gave $375,000.”
These figures are up from those the Cornwall Alliance documented in a major report a year ago, Evangelical Environmentalism: Bought and Paid for By Liberal Million$$$? There we reported that EEN had received $1.5 million from Left-wing foundation sources from 2006-2014 and the Creation Care Fund $1.8 million. We also reported on several groups World‘s report doesn’t mention: Ronald J. Sider’s Left-leaning Evangelicals for Social Action, $200,000; Creation Care, Inc., $175,000; Jim Wallis’s far-Left Sojourners, $877,000; Richard Cizik’s New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, $200,000.
World also reports that much of this money goes to fund efforts to turn young evangelicals into environmentalists. “The New Venture Fund,” Devine wrote, “hosts a ‘Creation Care Fund’ that since 2007 has received a dedicated $1.8 million from Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Energy and Hewlett foundations. The Creation Care Fund supported an ‘eight-week, 35-campus college tour that engaged students on environmental issues,’ and supported the launch of Renewal, a Christian environmental network for college students.”
Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. James Wanliss, a physics professor at Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, and author of our book Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death, told World [in Devine’s summary] “the funding is part of a long-term effort by secular environmentalists to ‘green the gospel’ and make Christians eco-centric.”
Young people have a hard time discerning legitimate environmental concerns from dubious ones, he said, because they’re bombarded in culture and in school with the message that “we’re frying the earth and we’re all going to die, and it’s all your fault.”
Wanliss said there isn’t enough balance on campuses: “It’s very difficult to get an education when you only hear one side of the story all the time.”
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